Swamp Draining


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Jan 31, 2012
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Trump Promised To 'Drain the Swamp.' He Did the Opposite.

Total spending under Trump nearly doubled. New programs filled Washington with more bureaucrats.

JOHN STOSSEL | 5.8.2024 1:20 AM

(Stossel TV)

Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp!"

The "swamp" is the permanent Washington bureaucracy working to perpetuate itself.

In 2020, then-President Trump said he was succeeding: "We're draining the Washington swamp!"

But it's not true.

"He made government bigger," Economist Ed Stringham says in my new video. 'That's going in the wrong direction. Looking through a list of agencies, every single one I could see, there were more employees after his presidency than before."

Trump added almost 2 million jobs to the federal workforce.

He did make some cuts at the State Department, Labor Department, Education Department, and his own office. But total spending under Trump nearly doubled. Some was in response to COVID-19, but billions in extra spending came before.

That spending increased the size of the swamp. New programs filled Washington with more bureaucrats.

Trump launched a $6 billion "Farmers to Families" Food Box Program to bring food from farmers to families.

"Last I checked," jokes Stringham, "we have an industry for that. It's called the supermarket industry. It exists for a reason. Markets are good at getting things from farmer to consumer."

Trump pandered to women, signing a Women, Peace, and Security Act, the Woman Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Act, the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, a Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative.

That just made the swamp bigger.

Probably permanently.

"Once government implements a program," Stringham points out, "it becomes very difficult to roll that back. You've created a whole new constituency of lobbyists who love their new income."

Seventy years ago, Congress feared America wouldn't have enough mohair for soldiers' uniforms. So they subsidized mohair production.

Today, the military doesn't use mohair. But the subsidy continues.

"We're stuck with it," says Stringham, "because now there's a whole group of new people on the payroll who like what they have."

At least Trump acknowledges his failure to drain the swamp.

"When I said it, it sounded very easy and it was going to happen real fast," he says. "I didn't know the swamp was this dirty and this deep."

Elect me again, he promises, and "we will drain the swamp once and for all."

I doubt it.

Trump doesn't understand the source of the swamp.

When a reporter called him out, saying, "You didn't drain the swamp like you said you would," Trump replied, "I did. I fired Comey. I fired a lot of people."

"He fired a couple people," replies Stringham, "but hiring additional people for government jobs—that's not draining the swamp; that's making things worse."

Much worse, because once you hire government employees, it's nearly impossible to fire them.

They "can show up late, not show up at all, show up drunk," says popular YouTuber Armand Curet, who works for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Instead of hiring more bureaucrats, Trump could have turned to the private sector.

"Privatize!" exclaims Stringham. "Government doesn't need to be doing all these things. We have markets."

Markets work better. They even create things people assume can only be done by government.

When I ask people, "Who built NYC's subways?" everyone answers, "Government."

But it's not true. Private companies built most of them.

Politicians then forbade the entrepreneurs to raise prices from a nickel to a dime, driving them out of business. The city took over the subways and, guess what—raised the price much more.

Private enterprise is simply more efficient.

America doesn't need the Labor, Agriculture, Commerce Departments. Those things just happen. They work better if government gets out of the way.

Trump didn't privatize any department.

"He did do some deregulation," I say to Stringham.

"Government spending increased dramatically," Stringham replies. "I don't see that as draining the swamp. I see that as making the swamp a lot bigger."

There's only one way to drain it, he adds: "Don't have the government in control of so many things."

Explain how Biden has done better.
You need to read "Government Gangsters" by Kash Patel

Puts perspective on what is going on. Deeply embedded, nonelected bureaucrats run Washington.
You need to read "Government Gangsters" by Kash Patel

Puts perspective on what is going on. Deeply embedded, nonelected bureaucrats run Washington.
Agreed. The problem is that both parties are good with the status quo Neither has any real intention to change the system. The “fight” is over who gets to drive.
Kash Patel would disagree. There are plans to deal with them.

Even Biden is making plans to make it legally impossible for Trump to remove these bureaucrats.
and just when you started to wonder what happened ... mr bill bus is back again - with another chapter of his thrilling expose' .. (or not) .. of - inside the mind of terminal trump derangement syndrome....... ...

...there are many who admit trump lives rent free in their heads... but in this latest installment mr bill bus reveals trump is his cerebral/cranial land lord!!.....🤓 ..join him at each turn of the page as he paints a portrait of the evil orange enitity that keeps him up day and night fretting over what this overseer of his brain waves will do...🫣

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and just when you started to wonder what happened ... mr bill bus is back again - with another chapter of his thrilling expose' .. (or not) .. of - inside the mind of terminal trump derangement syndrome....... ...

...there are many who admit trump lives rent free in their heads... but in this latest installment mr bill bus reveals trump is his cerebral/cranial land lord!!.....🤓 ..join him at each turn of the page as he paints a portrait of the evil orange enitity that keeps him up day and night fretting over what this overseer of his brain waves will do...🫣

So John Stossel has TDS?

Many folks here seem to have TAS (Trump Adoration Syndrome) so much so that they are unable to engage with the subject without: a rousing cry of “whadaboutbiden”, personal insults, or speaking to the point being made.

Feel free to explain the new programs for women referenced in the essay. The expansion of government and increased government employment. Not that long ago someone here was waxing poetic about how Mr. Trump had a great track record regarding what laws he signed. Here is the opportunity to clearly explain why these were important and how they fit in with the true Republican (as opposed to RINO) values.

BTW your obsession with my name is kind of weird.
so ... you would rather follow people like john stossel and campaign for a puppet of authoritarian socialists.. (biden)... who never said he was not helping to turn america over to the the communist - and who did not break that implied non-promise he didn;t make.. .. :unsure:... over someone who genuinely believes in american ideals.. (trump)... who did ..and is still doing.. all he could do to support and rejuvinate those ideals and fight those who would destroy them .... but was wrongfully opposed from all sides within washington by bureaucrats, democrats and even undermined by corrupt members of his own party - like no president was ever opposed or undermined before?... :rolleyes:

ok... .. like i said before..... you and stossle both deserve another 4 years of biden and the obama-led puppet masters who control him.....

but unlike the overly optimistic republicans who think trump will win in november i believe you will actually get what you have campaigned for ... a fresh and reinvigorated overflow of the washington swamp.... like we have never seen before.. . ...and due in no small part to conservatives... or fake ones.. like yourself who have campaigned long and hard these last 7 and a half years on the swamps behalf..... ....

you have been a good and faithful servant of those working to destroy america.... but do you think they will reward you after their work is done?..... the history of how tyrrants and dictators treat the useful idiots who helped them gain power is not good.... but maybe your uncle joe will be different?... i guess we will find out....
so ... you would rather follow people like john stossel and campaign for a puppet of authoritarian socialists.. (biden)... who never said he was not helping to turn america over to the the communist - and who did not break that implied non-promise he didn;t make.. .. :unsure:... over someone who genuinely believes in american ideals.. (trump)... who did ..and is still doing.. all he could do to support and rejuvinate those ideals and fight those who would destroy them .... but was wrongfully opposed from all sides within washington by bureaucrats, democrats and even undermined by corrupt members of his own party - like no president was ever opposed or undermined before?... :rolleyes:

ok... .. like i said before..... you and stossle both deserve another 4 years of biden and the obama-led puppet masters who control him.....

but unlike the overly optimistic republicans who think trump will win in november i believe you will actually get what you have campaigned for ... a fresh and reinvigorated overflow of the washington swamp.... like we have never seen before.. . ...and due in no small part to conservatives... or fake ones.. like yourself who have campaigned long and hard these last 7 and a half years on the swamps behalf..... ....

you have been a good and faithful servant of those working to destroy america.... but do you think they will reward you after their work is done?..... the history of how tyrrants and dictators treat the useful idiots who helped them gain power is not good.... but maybe your uncle joe will be different?... i guess we will find out....
Where have I campaigned for Biden?

BTW I am impressed with your consistency in missing the point. The name of Christ is my primary concern. The church being unequally yoked with the world via political machinations, rather than being salt and light to all sinners (regardless of their worldview) is a blot on the gospel message.

FWIW the thread about witnessing to Hitler is an interesting read. One of the side bars was about not caring if pedophiles go to hell. That pretty much captured the attitude that plays out here regarding those on the “wrong Side” of the political spectrum.
So John Stossel has TDS?

Many folks here seem to have TAS (Trump Adoration Syndrome) so much so that they are unable to engage with the subject without: a rousing cry of “whadaboutbiden”, personal insults, or speaking to the point being made.

Feel free to explain the new programs for women referenced in the essay. The expansion of government and increased government employment. Not that long ago someone here was waxing poetic about how Mr. Trump had a great track record regarding what laws he signed. Here is the opportunity to clearly explain why these were important and how they fit in with the true Republican (as opposed to RINO) values.

BTW your obsession with my name is kind of weird.
no... if i have any politically based syndrome it;s detestment of draconian democrats syndrome.. ....stossel like so many others completely ignores the fact that things were going much better in the country until the chinese communist party unleashed covid19 on the world... (in order to help the democrats... and at their request).... and that the majority of negative numbers related to trumps presidency are related to his purposeful shut down of the economy and increase of government spending in order to control the pandemic and save american lives..... (something democrats have never cared about ... the more lives lost the better they think it is for them)......

but even if you can;t wrap your limited wave length mind around that you should at least consider this.... . democrats... and biden... are on the verge of provoking world war 3.... they have even been talking about ways promininet americans like themselves could survive it..... ..under trump there would have been no world war or any kind of war anywhere.... ....if you are ok with bidens penchant for encouraging wars through his projection of weakness then i am not in any way ok with you..... and i couldn;t care less what you say about me or what you falsely accuse me of being obsessed over........

but just to "splain" it to you...;)... though it;s the moniker of a totally anonymous person ..(who could be nothing more than a sockpuppet of someone here playing devils advocate)..... i personally think your forum name is funny... .and at the same time ironic since it;s something spelled backwards and you in your way of thinking are also backwards.... ... but whatever....

(edited to correct the many errors made while trying to type and watch a softball tournament at the same time... but that;s it... the game is back on and the laptop is going back on the shelf.... adios)
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Where have I campaigned for Biden?

BTW I am impressed with your consistency in missing the point. The name of Christ is my primary concern. The church being unequally yoked with the world via political machinations, rather than being salt and light to all sinners (regardless of their worldview) is a blot on the gospel message.

FWIW the thread about witnessing to Hitler is an interesting read. One of the side bars was about not caring if pedophiles go to hell. That pretty much captured the attitude that plays out here regarding those on the “wrong Side” of the political spectrum.
did i say anything about not caring whether pedophiles go to hell?...... on the contrary... i spent considerable time trying to witness the gospel to someone who enabled pedophiles and gave me to them.... my own mother..... i forgave her for what she did to me even though forgiveness was not what she wanted... .she wanted no forgiveness from God either..... .. but all that is another story and could go way off topic....... if you want to take your own thread there fine... but i won;t do it myself....

you say you don;t want yourself... and the name of Christ... to be linked by association with an evil politician... but you appear to have no problem linking both your name and the name of Chris to an even more evil politician by default... plus lending your continual support by actively attacking the opposition...(the campaign for biden i was talking about)... . and this one you seem to be happy to see stay in power just so long trump doesn;t win - is a politician who has declared open warfare on the church and all things christian..... ...

trump was the best friend to christians and christian values than any president since reagan.... and there is no way you can get around that or spin your way out of it.....

by the way.... how do you feel about christians serving in the military?.....other people i know who push the same logic you do are adamantly against it.... ....they don;t believe americans should join a force that goes off to kill people and enforce the will of evil politicians any more than they believe in voting for those same politicians.....
did i say anything about not caring whether pedophiles go to hell?...... on the contrary... i spent considerable time trying to witness the gospel to someone who enabled pedophiles and gave me to them.... my own mother..... i forgave her for what she did to me even though forgiveness was not what she wanted... .she wanted no forgiveness from God either..... .. but all that is another story and could go way off topic....... if you want to take your own thread there fine... but i won;t do it myself....

you say you don;t want yourself... and the name of Christ... to be linked by association with an evil politician... but you appear to have no problem linking both your name and the name of Chris to an even more evil politician by default... plus lending your continual support by actively attacking the opposition...(the campaign for biden i was talking about)... . and this one you seem to be happy to see stay in power just so long trump doesn;t win - is a politician who has declared open warfare on the church and all things christian..... ...

trump was the best friend to christians and christian values than any president since reagan.... and there is no way you can get around that or spin your way out of it.....

by the way.... how do you feel about christians serving in the military?.....other people i know who push the same logic you do are adamantly against it.... ....they don;t believe americans should join a force that goes off to kill people and enforce the will of evil politicians any more than they believe in voting for those same politicians.....
Unequally yoked is unequally yoked. I choose not to be yoked to anyone but my Savior (and my wife 😉).

FWIW I have made the same argument with my friends of the “progressive” Christian mindset. God is a jealous God and does not share His glory with anyone.
Trump Promised To 'Drain the Swamp.' He Did the Opposite.

Total spending under Trump nearly doubled. New programs filled Washington with more bureaucrats.

JOHN STOSSEL | 5.8.2024 1:20 AM

(Stossel TV)

Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp!"

The "swamp" is the permanent Washington bureaucracy working to perpetuate itself.

In 2020, then-President Trump said he was succeeding: "We're draining the Washington swamp!"

But it's not true.

"He made government bigger," Economist Ed Stringham says in my new video. 'That's going in the wrong direction. Looking through a list of agencies, every single one I could see, there were more employees after his presidency than before."

Trump added almost 2 million jobs to the federal workforce.

He did make some cuts at the State Department, Labor Department, Education Department, and his own office. But total spending under Trump nearly doubled. Some was in response to COVID-19, but billions in extra spending came before.

That spending increased the size of the swamp. New programs filled Washington with more bureaucrats.

Trump launched a $6 billion "Farmers to Families" Food Box Program to bring food from farmers to families.

"Last I checked," jokes Stringham, "we have an industry for that. It's called the supermarket industry. It exists for a reason. Markets are good at getting things from farmer to consumer."

Trump pandered to women, signing a Women, Peace, and Security Act, the Woman Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Act, the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, a Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative.

That just made the swamp bigger.

Probably permanently.

"Once government implements a program," Stringham points out, "it becomes very difficult to roll that back. You've created a whole new constituency of lobbyists who love their new income."

Seventy years ago, Congress feared America wouldn't have enough mohair for soldiers' uniforms. So they subsidized mohair production.

Today, the military doesn't use mohair. But the subsidy continues.

"We're stuck with it," says Stringham, "because now there's a whole group of new people on the payroll who like what they have."

At least Trump acknowledges his failure to drain the swamp.

"When I said it, it sounded very easy and it was going to happen real fast," he says. "I didn't know the swamp was this dirty and this deep."

Elect me again, he promises, and "we will drain the swamp once and for all."

I doubt it.

Trump doesn't understand the source of the swamp.

When a reporter called him out, saying, "You didn't drain the swamp like you said you would," Trump replied, "I did. I fired Comey. I fired a lot of people."

"He fired a couple people," replies Stringham, "but hiring additional people for government jobs—that's not draining the swamp; that's making things worse."

Much worse, because once you hire government employees, it's nearly impossible to fire them.

They "can show up late, not show up at all, show up drunk," says popular YouTuber Armand Curet, who works for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Instead of hiring more bureaucrats, Trump could have turned to the private sector.

"Privatize!" exclaims Stringham. "Government doesn't need to be doing all these things. We have markets."

Markets work better. They even create things people assume can only be done by government.

When I ask people, "Who built NYC's subways?" everyone answers, "Government."

But it's not true. Private companies built most of them.

Politicians then forbade the entrepreneurs to raise prices from a nickel to a dime, driving them out of business. The city took over the subways and, guess what—raised the price much more.

Private enterprise is simply more efficient.

America doesn't need the Labor, Agriculture, Commerce Departments. Those things just happen. They work better if government gets out of the way.

Trump didn't privatize any department.

"He did do some deregulation," I say to Stringham.

"Government spending increased dramatically," Stringham replies. "I don't see that as draining the swamp. I see that as making the swamp a lot bigger."

There's only one way to drain it, he adds: "Don't have the government in control of so many things."

Yeah, that's an old canard...

As laudable as Robertson’s reporting is, she could have plugged one more date into Debt to the Penny to break down the $7.2T public debt she credits Trump with. It turns out that the public debt on Jan. 20, 2020, was $17.1T, a run-up over three years of -$2.7T.
So for Robertson’s number to be correct, Trump would have had to have presided over a $4.5T deficit in his last full year in office. The public debt was $21.6T on Trump’s last day in office, Jan. 20, 2021. It seems that Trump did indeed preside over a run-up in the public debt over his last year in office of nearly -$4.5T.
That horrendous debt from Jan. 20, 2020, to one year later prorates out to an average of more than $1.1T for every 90 days of Trump’s final year. In absolute dollars, with no accounting for inflation, Trump’s last year sets the record for debt… but why?
It’s because 2020 was the year the plague came, the year the coronavirus reared its ugly head. Under Trump, the public debt had been on target to rise by less than $4T in his term in office, which would have been better than the first term of Obama-Biden, which was over $5T. But the global pandemic hit. Perhaps Joe Biden thinks the feds shouldn’t have spent so much battling the virus.
Here’s the problem with the above: presidents don’t borrow and spend. Congress in its collective “wisdom” does that. So if one keys off of years which begin on Jan. 20 rather than on the first day of the fiscal year (Oct. 1), the debt still belongs to Congress. Even so, our corrupt media for decades has laid the onus for the debt on the president.
Where have I campaigned for Biden?

BTW I am impressed with your consistency in missing the point. The name of Christ is my primary concern. The church being unequally yoked with the world via political machinations, rather than being salt and light to all sinners (regardless of their worldview) is a blot on the gospel message.

FWIW the thread about witnessing to Hitler is an interesting read. One of the side bars was about not caring if pedophiles go to hell. That pretty much captured the attitude that plays out here regarding those on the “wrong Side” of the political spectrum.
Being a pedophile and being a different political view is something completely different.

I would not disown someone bc they are of a different political viewpoint. Being a pedophile I would disown.